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June 20, 2018 - 3 min read
How many hours a day do you sleep? 5hrs? 8hrs? Perhaps lesser than that.
We’re living in a fast-paced world and with so many distractions, it’s getting harder for us to get good quality sleep that our body desperately needs.
Your sleep may be interrupted by constantly thinking about work or unfinished tasks, non-stop scrolling on your social media feed, worrying about the future or staying in a room that isn’t conducive for sleep.
A study from the *National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutesuggested that sleep deprivation could lead to several problems that may affect your mental health, physical health, and quality of life.
Do yourself a favor and contain your temperament. When you feel tired and cranky, recharge and take a quick nap. This is not only good for you but also for the people you’ll come across with.
Now that you know the benefits of sleeping well, make sure to apply the tips mentioned above. These will contribute to a happier and healthier you! Who would’ve thought that one of the secrets to a long, happy and healthy life, lies in sleeping well!
NBC News: What happens to your brain when you sleep