How many hours a day do you sleep? 5hrs? 8hrs? Perhaps lesser than that.

We’re living in a fast-paced world and with so many distractions, it’s getting harder for us to get good quality sleep that our body desperately needs.

Your sleep may be interrupted by constantly thinking about work or unfinished tasks, non-stop scrolling on your social media feed, worrying about the future or staying in a room that isn’t conducive for sleep.

A study from the *National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutesuggested that sleep deprivation could lead to several problems that may affect your mental health, physical health, and quality of life.

These risks include:

  • Likelihood of developing heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. 
  • May lead to obesity
  • May hamper growth and development of organs, muscles, cells, and tissues
  • May damage the immune system and increase the chances of contracting more diseases
  • May lead to slow learning, inability to make decisions, solve problems, control emotions and behavior.

With that said, here are some reasons why you should get quality sleep every night.

  • Enhanced memory and concentration
  • When you sleep, the nerves in your brain regenerate. This allows it to release all unnecessary information you have acquired throughout the day and makes room for more storage. It enables optimal function by “re-wiring” the circuits in your brain that allow you to better absorb data.
  • So, when you are studying for an exam, preparing a presentation or attending a meeting the next day, be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep to allow your brain to recover and prepare.
  • Makes you healthy
  • Aside from your brain, your body’s total well-being is also being restored as you sleep. Your body constantly sheds and re-grows cells and tissues which repair your organs, expedites healing and strengthens your immune system.
  • Remember, when you notice yourself feeling constantly lethargic, tired or sick, make sure to get uninterrupted sleep and you’ll regain good health in no time.
  • It keeps you fit
  • This is partly because of the hormone called leptin which makes you feel full when you’ve slept well and vice versa. Some people overeat when they are sleep-deprived to compensate for energy that wasn’t converted during sleep.
  • Aside from proper diet and exercise, make sure to rest and allow your body to be rejuvenated. Your mind and body will thank you for it.
  • Keeps the blues away
  • Have you noticed that you are more prone to mood swings when tired? Because not having enough sleep affects your emotional receptors.
  • On a psychological note, when you’re feeling bad-tempered and snap at someone you encounter, it creates a domino effect whereby the person on the receiving end also gets into a foul mood. Now, you wouldn’t want to be that person with bad vibes, right?

    Do yourself a favor and contain your temperament. When you feel tired and cranky, recharge and take a quick nap. This is not only good for you but also for the people you’ll come across with.

Wondering how you can get much-needed snoozefest?

 Here are some useful ideas:

  • Do not use your gadgets at least an hour before bedtime
  • Meditate, write on a journal or clear your mind of worries and thoughts to give you anxiety
  • Read a book
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed with linen sheets that cool your body
  • Eat a light meal before bedtime
  • Refrain from drinking sodas, sugary drinks or coffee a few hours before sleeping
  • Take a nice cool shower before bedtime
  • Keep the room dark as this will help your body produce more melatonin 
  • Sleep with a loved one. Studies show that sleeping with your significant other gives a feeling of security which makes you sleep better. 


Now that you know the benefits of sleeping well, make sure to apply the tips mentioned above. These will contribute to a happier and healthier you! Who would’ve thought that one of the secrets to a long, happy and healthy life, lies in sleeping well!


WebMD: Reasons to sleep more

NBC News: What happens to your brain when you sleep